Inspired by Oprah’s latest show on The Secret and my good friend, M.J. Ryan interviewing me for an article she is writing for Good Housekeeping about Affirmations, combined with the grand attempt to find some mutually fun, uplifting, soul-enriching activity for the kids and me this summer, I decided we all need to make Vision Boards!
For those of you who don’t live in California, or who aren’t regular Oprah viewers, a Vision Board is a visual representation of people, places, things, feelings or accomplishments that you dream of having in your life. You start with a big poster board and make a collage from magazine clippings, drawings and writings of all the things you want to happen in your life. The general idea is that you focus your energy on your "vision" and the “Law of Attraction” will manifest these things in your life.
Cool! And fun! Easy! Not like slogging through pages of tedious, loathsome, self-help exercises! Less like therapy and more like kindergarten—cut and paste! The more colors the better!
Instead of going to the dollar store to buy three poster boards for a buck, Carson and I ventured to Office Max to pay a premium $5.99 each for the half-inch thick, sturdy, high-end foamboards. I figured that was the least we could do to lay the foundation for our most magnificent dreams and wishes! I think Oprah would approve.
So we came home, magnificent boards in hand, magnificent dreams in our heads, cranked up the latest Jonas Brothers CD, spread magazines all over the family room floor, and started dreaming…
The boards are still a work in progress, but so far, Carson has his favorite band, The Jonas Brothers:

Who we are going to see in concert in two weeks!, so, really, he manifested his dream even before doing his Vision Board. Oprah producers, take note!
My board tended toward Beach Vacations and Lots of Words:

And, of course, my big career goal dream:

Dog, of course, could not be left out of such a fun-loving, life-affirming activity of the spirit. Since I neglected to buy a separate board for him and since he doesn’t have the opposable thumbs necessary for cutting pictures out of magazines, he was content with rolling around on my board, playing in one of my daughter’s old tu-tus.

Maybe his vision is to dance Swan Lake with the Bolshoi Ballet…
Could be. But my guess is that if Dog could do his own Vision Board, it would look something like this:

What does your Vision Board look like?
oh! this is just wonderful ~WONDERFUL~
and as a family activity; only makes it better
was fascinating (is fascinating) to see how often vision boards are employed; by who; how popular; and how successful
there is something to it! not A=B exactly.. but a formula IS at work..
i think it includes vibrational frequency of thought/focus; laws of attraction; selective attention..direction.. execution.. devine intervention..
and a few other mystery ingredients.
i watched that episode of oprah.. martha beck, cheryl (?).. lois (forgetting guest names..) but THEY ALL USED VISION BOARDS
WILD and surprising to learn OPRAH never had and doesn't have one
so again, not A=B, or B dependent on A and only A,
but if we look at how often A is a common denominator preceding B, on my imaginary graph
plus.. isn't it just plain fun!
these are great! and the photos of dog/dog's visions.. beyond charming
i think of visions boards (and art in general)this way:
if you look in a mirror, you can see a reflection of your face
if you create and look at your vision board, you see a reflection of your dreams
when you create art, you create a reflection of your soul..
"to creative visions! may they manifest.. and make room for more!"
love, ~s.
Thanks for such wonderful, insightful comments. May all your dreams on your vision board come true!
I've found the coolest and most effective tool to help with the visualization process - a great vision board software called Mind Movies Creator.
It was created by Ryan Higgins to help others visualize and manifest the life of their dreams. See a video and find out why here http://www.squidoo.com/vision-board-software
A Mind Movie allows you to create a vision of what you want, together with your Favorite song… the one that makes you feel good, the one that makes you want to dance, the one that makes you smile and sing along.
It’s like a 3 minute slide show/movie of your perfect life.
I’m trying it out now.
I’m having fun making my own vision board/mind movie.
And because it’s a software, no need to cut up magazines!
Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!
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